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Laserový Merač Vzdialenosti 80m, m/feet/inch 30 pamäť, m/m2/m3, pytagoras
Laserový Merač Vzdialenosti 80m, meters, feet, inches
Pytagoras - tzv. nepriame meranie - z 2 známych strán trojuholníka vypočíta zvyšnú tretiu, ak nie je možné ju v teréne zmerať kvôli prekážkam.
Predné / zadné meracie body - prepína, či meriate vzdialenosť od hlavy, alebo od päty meracieho zariadenia.
Drží v pamäti posledných 30 meraní.
Laser Distance Meter
Product description
Professional laser distance meter for measuring distances, volumes and intermediate lengths. For use during
building, construction and renovation works. High accuracy enables measurements both indoors and outdoors.
intuitive to use;
range up to 40 m / 60 m / 80 m with +/- 3 mm accuracy;
enables measurements of a section, area, and volume;
adding / subtracting results options;
enables indirect measurement of a section length using the Pythagorean theorem;
front/rear measuring point options;
m / ft / inch unit options;
auto recording of the last 30 measurements;
easy-to-read display with backlight;
comfortable, ergonomic, compact shape;
measures in hard-to-reach places.